well you will have to open a new segment for the extrn :

newseg segment

extrn dat1















this way you will avoid passing the 64k, if your data passes 64k then

split it or use protected mode (how, learn it, it ain't easy) ;

writing a picture to screen (graphic)

program example ;

uses dos,crt ;


z:file ;


assign (z,'pic.dat') ;

rewrite (z,1) ;

blockwrite (z,mem[$a000:0],64000) ;

close (z) ;


sseg segment

db 10 dup (?)


cseg segment

assume cs:cseg,ss:sseg,ds:cseg,es:nothing

extrn dat1:far

start :

push ds ; we must save it

mov ax,13h

int 10h ; goes to graphic mode 320*200*256

mov ax,seg dat1 ; points to extrn seg

mov ds,ax

mov si,offset dat1

mov ax,0a000h ; adress of screen

mov es,ax

mov di,0

mov cx,32000 ; and,,.... it's on the screen

rep movsw

mov ax,0

int 16h ; pause

mov ax,3

int 10h ; goes back to text

pop ds

mov ax,4c00h

int 21h


end start


compiling :

"binobj pic.dat pic.obj dat1"

"tasm filename"

"tlink filename pic"

and run the program




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