In the last chapter we learned how an assembly language program is built.

Now we move on to a higher level.

The operators.

MOV destination,source : lets say "mov ax,bx" ax will become the value

which bx stores.

ADD destination,count : lets say "add ax,bx" ax will be increased

according to the value in bx - lets say

ax = 10, bx = 2 then ax will become 12 (10+2)

SUB destination,count : lets say "add ax,bx" ax will be decreased

according to the value in bx - lets say

ax = 10, bx = 2 then ax will become 8 (10-2)

INC destination : lets say "inc ax" then ax will be ax+1

DEC destination : lets say "dec ax" then ax will be ax-1

AND destination,count : lets say "and ax,bx" then ax will be anded

with bx, lets say ax = 1, bx = 0 then ax will

be 0.

OR destination,count : lets say "or ax,bx" then ax will be ored

with bx, lets say ax = 1, bx = 0 then ax will

be 1.














know after we learnt the basic command, what happened about the size of

those registers well, you can't do one of those between registers

which aren't not the same size : "mov ax,bl", "mov al,bx", "add cx,cl"

and so on.

simple example, if we want to preform subtraction, what will do,

(before each example check if you can do it your self) :

mov ax,20 ; ax will be 20

mov cx,10 ; cx will be 10

sub ax,cx ; ax will be 10 (ax-cx,20-10)

know if we have a number in hex or bin and we want to put it as it is so

we will have to put "h" after the number for hex and "b" for bin :

mov ax,0a000h ; you must have a zero before a letter in hex

mov ax,010010b ; a simple number in binary




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LESSON 2     Basic operations!!!!!